Ask A Conservator

I was a senior in college when I found a book that would unlock a career path I didn’t know existed. I was writing a paper on Johannes Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring, checking out everything I could find that was remotely related, when I came across Jørgen Wadum’s Vermeer Illuminated, a book on the extensive conservation treatment of the painting in 1994. The cover image, with losses to the figure’s cheeks standing out in stark white, was so arresting that I immediately wanted to know more about the painting’s physical history and the effort that had gone into conserving this serene and iconic work. When I read further and realized that conservation blended my love of hands-on work with a research component, my career goals coalesced practically overnight.

Unit 1:
Geography and Environment

About Arts of China

The Arts of China Teaching Toolkit is designed for third grade teachers and their students with the goal of enriching their exploration of Chinese art and culture. The lessons focus on artworks from the Brooklyn Museum’s Chinese collection and exhibitions. The Arts of China collection ranges from the Neolithic era (circa 3000 B.C.E.) to today, revealing the sophistication of Chinese craftsmanship and the variety of concerns—funerary, courtly, religious, and poetic—that combined to define traditional Chinese culture. The works also demonstrate an enduring respect for antiquity as well as novel, contemporary approaches to time-honored materials such as ink and bronze.